Monday, May 10, 2010

What is so wrong with flirting? (Not really Ultimate related...)

I like to flirt with women. I do it a LOT. Nearly every single tournament I go to, there will be a women working at the food establishment that I will flirt with. It doesn't have to be at a food establishment, it could just be a random woman that works at Safeway or Longs Drugs or whatnot.

Nearly every time I flirt with a woman, while I have teammates within earshot, my teammates give me shit. The usually do this in front of the woman I'm flirting with too. They make it sound like I've done something wrong. Like I've harmed this poor innocent girl who fears for her life when the customer she's dealing with says out of nowhere that she has beautiful eyes.

99% of the time, I am not pursuing anything other than a smile. I certainly don't hold any illusion that she's going to come back to the hotel with me. I view flirting as fun and I think it makes the woman's day a little better if a stranger compliments her.

So then why is it that my teammates think it strange and even wrong of me to flirt with these women that I will never see again?


An-Chi said...

I partly harassed you because I thought that you have a girlfriend, but I could be totally wrong on that....The other part of it was that when I used to waitress, sometimes you couldn't tell if the guy was just being a jackass and making fun of you, trying to get a discount or actually trying to get that smile. Was just looking out for my fellow woman. Nothing wrong with flirting as long as it's good-natured. Flirt away, my friend. :)

808 said...

46 more laps to go!

Adam said...

Who says, "Do you mind if I flirt with you?" to a waitress.