Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Waking Point (Non Ultimate)

This is unedited. I knew that if I started to edit this, that I would just end up deleting everything. I would rather look back on this three years from now and see the unabridged, unedited version, even if it means that I sound like an extremely cheesy idiot or that my grammar is worse than Zip's.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. ~Edgar Cayce

What is the first thought to enter your head when you wake up in the morning? When the dream you just had has dissipated, when the thoughts from the night before are slipping away to recesses in your mind, this is when the present steps in and reminds you that you need to go to school, to work, to practice.

At the end of each day, I find myself on the verge of a great accomplishment. Sometimes the accomplishment is of self discovery, sometimes it is an idea that extends beyond my own life and sometimes it is something more tangible. And yet with each new morning, I find that the thoughts I had the night before are inconclusive. The work I thought I had finished is now incomplete.

As an ultimate player, I strive to be the best on my team. When I compete against another team, I strive to be the best on the field. This is the dream. To be a better ultimate player. To be... the best. The reality reminds me of the work I must put in to become the best. And all the times I put in extra effort off the field, only to follow it up with a period where I miss a workout, a practice or more. It is like an incomplete dream, a dream from which I wake up to face reality. I am not there yet.

As a student, I am in my last semester in my community college. I have one week of class left and then will continue my education at UC Santa Cruz. I strive to better my education in order to attain a degree. I strive to be the best in my class, to learn the most, to know the most and to enjoy it the most. I truly enjoy my bio classes sometimes. I feel a wave of contentment wash over me as I peer through a microscope. I will have periods where I put in so much effort and will receive so much happiness, but will shortly follow it up with periods where I feel unmotivated to listen to the lecture. I will feel unmotivated to attend class or read the textbook. The dream I have of attaining that degree is there. But it remains a dream, and therefor separate from reality. I am not there yet.

As a single guy, I have had multiple relationships with varying degrees of success (which I measure in the happiness both people received while in the relationship). I strive to be a better listener, a better lover and a better boyfriend overall. There have been moments where I walked away knowing that I have done a great deed for my significant other, but remained silent about it. And, there have been times when I have been so upset, that I had to use every ounce of willpower I had to stop myself from saying the most hurtful things I could think of. I believe myself to have a large amount of patience, but it is not enough. I will keep dreaming of becoming the better boyfriend. I am not there yet.

As a person, I believe my fellow people to be good at heart. I believe myself to be good at heart. I certainly don't want to inflict physical, emotional or mental pain on anyone. I do not follow any organized religion, but I wish to strive to Jesus' level of endurance.

"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
Matthew 5:38 Exodus 21:24; Lev. 24:20; Deut. 19:21

I wish to be able to turn the other cheek when someone slaps my face. That is what I strive for. But there is so much, that is wrong with the world. So much anger and pain that it makes me wonder how the people in charge can stomach it.

What's wrong with the world mama?
People living like aint got no mamas
I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Black Eyed Peas

When I come across someone who constantly vents anger, who needs that violence, that anger to go forward, I am unable to see their point of view. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they, like myself, strive to turn that cheek. I want to see that in them, but I don't. And so, I do not have it yet, to put my full faith in either myself or my fellow person. We are not there yet.

I wake each day, to find that my dreams are not yet accomplished. The point at which I awaken, the waking point, is the time when my dreams flit away and I must work to make the dreams become reality. So work away I will. I will fall. I will rise. I will forever maintain my faith, that my dreams will someday become reality. And when that day comes, I will have new dreams waiting to replace them.

I hope the day will come when your dreams become reality too.

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