Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Trial and Error

I am not without my faults. I make plenty of errors, both mental and physical, in ultimate as well as in life in general. I will have to hold off and see if starting this blog will be one of those mental errors that I am so prone to make.

Every time I step out onto a field, I must be prepared to make mistakes. No matter how good of a player one is, that player will make mistakes. A good player makes less mistakes than most, but more importantly will not let those mistakes hinder him. In football, they say that a good quarterback has a short memory. You do not want to be thinking of the interception you threw for the entire game. You do not want that bad play, that mistake, distracting you from playing your top game.

The same could be said about ultimate. I see lots of players in college ultimate who will make a mistake and then stand there for a second with their heads down while their defender is now running down the field calling for someone to throw the disc. During a point is not the time to feel sorry for your mistakes. Forget about the mistake, play defense and when you do get the disc back, play your game. Just like that quarterback, you do not need anything distracting you from playing your top game.

Like I said at the beginning, I am not without my faults. Neither are you. Both of us will make mistakes. When I make my next mistake on the field though, I will not be spending any time with my head down during the point. I will not be berating myself for it. I will be playing my game, focusing on getting the D and then focusing on scoring the goal. What will you do when that next mistake hits you?


808 said...

You misspelled the blog name. There should be an "n" in there.

808 said...

Scratch that:

You misspelled the blog name. There should be another "n" in there.